arini aku kua g mid.. g ngn hani.. smpai mid jmpe kf.. sian die tggu aku amt lame! so sorry larhh.. bas tuh wt hal taw! tooollll... xtipu.. xcye,tnye bas tu oke... heeee..
wut da suprise,aku amt selambe ngn die! giler!! so notty ehh wahida!!
ohh.. how i suppose to be act?? hey wahida, peliz control urself oke...
btw, jmpe kali nih cm oke jerr... best gk laaa... still can smile =)
n lik td hani de ckp, 'ko knl die tol2 dlu pape ponk,jgn terkena ag cm dlu,ckp bek tp ending ampeh' .. a bit suprise larh die ckp cmtu.. y haa?? i noe laa die xmo aku sakit cm dlu ag.. tp, nmpk cm aku de ati ngt kt die ke? ak rse aku besa2 je.. kami ponk kwn je oke.. huhu.. then, bile aku ckp if die jaat,aku xd arr lbih or wut kn..aku ponk kwn je ag ngn,die ckp lak nk bik if aku lepas.. larrhh.. cmne tuh? do u understand dat,gurlz??? so confuse larr! ke die yg ske?? are u jelous wit me when i have someone? haha.. kn da jaat tggapan aku tuh.. sowi k..!
then die ade ckp ag, 'ehh,ko tue ske perasan laa minat la pe laa..kang mule frust2..' duhh.. menikam tuh.. yups,i admit dat.. mmg aku sumtime i neva care if i cant get wut i want k.. i neva demand wit it! so, bia je laa... aku ske ke pe ke.. its oke rite.. xd salah n aku xpenah kco life sape2 ponk..
aihh.. so many thing to think rite.. oke,jz forget da simple2 thing k wahida... focus on da most important for u.. wut? study larhh!! aiyaaa.. hehe..
wuteva it is.. i jz want to enjoy my single life rite now n smile always! yeahh!! =)
Literature Review: Some Quick Tips
5 years ago
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