da mcm ape je. totally in house n ward only. not even go anywhere. n seem like i dont have anyone,any fwend in diz world. gile xbest. huhu. sungguh, indah jika berkawan ngn kwn yg mmg pntgkn kwn. kwn ngn org pntgkn pakwe, mmg derita. they ol ade bile xd pakwe,not bile kite perlukan n lebih sng, bile dorg perlukan kite. mean, ikt kpale dorg,. urhh. i hate it. n i really miss my old fwend at secondary school. u're really cool babe!! someone tell me, klo igt kt member,texting them. urhurhhu.. i not really like to texting sumone. dunnoe y. i prefer to hang out with. no limit to talk. texting had a limit. limited creadit. haha. naseb ade incik lappy nih, even kekdg mengong,lh gk jln2 lam 'dunia maya' nih. so,da conclision,must need to pay da bill k, so,xd la terputos2 nk online. hehehehe =)
talking bout paying a bill,. again, something dat headache me. urhh. so many thing to pay. like hell je. sobsobsob. i not even can get my own car,my own stuff,.. sume gji, byr sgale2,tggl ciput aje tuk mkn. sape igt i byk wit, silap besar k.! not enuff la my salary rite now. want it more! pelizz. hahaha. wut da hell. come on wahida, say thnx to god, syukur k. alhamdulillah. doa la murah rezeki. yg pnting,wit tue berkat. amiiiin. =)
Literature Review: Some Quick Tips
5 years ago
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